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Main page/Guides/Bestiary/Boss list/TzTok-Jad

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Combat level 702
Combat info
Hitpoints 250
Aggressive Yes
Poisonous No
Max hits
Melee 98
Magic 97
Ranged 97

Getting there

  • Quest tab > Red icon (mini-games) > fight cave


  • Run south a few steps and you will see a big orange cave entrance, you can click on it and enter it. If you currently have tokkul you can skip waves.

325 Tokkul Per Wave - Regular Player - Regular players can skip up to 54 Waves which will cost a total of 17.55K Tokkul.

275 Tokkul Per Wave - Regular Donator - Regular donators can skip up to 57 Waves which will cost a total of 16.675K Tokkul.

225 Tokkul Per Wave - Super Donator - Super donators can skip up to 60 Waves which will cost a total of 13.5K Tokkul.

200 Tokkul Per Wave - Extreme Donator - Extreme donators can skip up to 61 Waves which will cost a total of 12.2K Tokkul.



Armor Setup

Head: Trickster Hood > Vanguard Helm > Pernix Cowl > Armadyl Helmet > Robin Hood Hat > Archer's Helm

Torso: Trickster Top > Pernix Body > Vanguard Top > Armadyl Chestplate > Black D'Hide Body

Legs: Trickster Bottom > Pernix Chaps > Vanguard Legs > Armadyl Chainskirt > Black D'Hide Chaps

Gloves: Barrows Gloves > Trickster Gloves > Vanguard Gloves

Boots: Glaiven Boots > Trickster Boots > Vanguard Boots > Dragon Boots

Amulet: Amulet of Ranging > Amulet of Fury > Amulet of Glory > Blood Necklace

Ring: Archers Ring (i) > Eye of the Ranger > Onyx Ring (i) > Archers Ring

Cape: Completionist Cape > Ava's Accumulator > Ava's Attractor > Max Cape > TokHaar-Kal (Kiln Cape)

Shield: Divine Spirit Shield > Elysian Spirit Shield > Flameburst Defender > Any God Book

Weapon: Rune Crossbow

Ammo: Onyx Bolts (e) > Dragon Bolts (e) > Diamond Bolts (e) > Ruby Bolts (e)

Inventory Setup

The inventory you have must be pretty good for you to last the 63 rounds. When you do fight throughout the rounds you must conserve all of you items at all time.

Best Inventory:

  • 1x Overload (4)
  • 5x Super Prayer (4)
  • 22x Rocktails


Middle level Inventory:

  • 1x Extreme Range (4)
  • 5x Prayer Potions (4)
  • 22x Rocktails


Welfare Inventory:

  • 1x Super Range (4)
  • 5x Prayer Potions (4)
  • 22x Sea Turtles


The Waves

  • Waves 1-14

The first waves are the easiest, but that does not mean you shouldn't prioritize which monster you kill first.

  • Recommended priority: Tok-Xil > Tz-Kek > Tz-Kih.
  • I highly recommend you to pray against ranged attacks until you defeat the Tok-Xil(s).


  • Waves 15-30

In addition to the monsters you can find in the waves 1 to 14, in this waves you can find Yt-Mejkots. Due to this creature, I recommend that you pay more attention and to do not forget to change the prayers properly. Not doing so could allow the monsters to hit very high and maybe even kill you.

  • Recommended priority: Tok-Xil > Yt-Mejkot > Tz-Kek > Tz-Kih.
  • I highly recommend you to pray against ranged attacks until you defeat the Tok-Xil(s) and to pray against melee attacks to kill the Yt-Mejkot(s).


  • Waves 31-62

In addition to the monsters you can find in the waves 1 to 30, in this waves you can find Ket-Zeks. These are the strongest creatures you need to kill to get in the wave 63. It uses powerful magic and melee attacks, however you will only pray against magic attacks due to the fact that they can cause much more damage using magic attacks than melee attacks.

  • Recommended priority: Tok-Xil > Ket-Zek > Yt-Mejkot > Tz-Kek > Tz-Kih
  • I highly recommend you to pray against magic attacks until you defeat the Ket-Zek(s) and to pray against melee attacks to kill the Yt-Mejkot(s).


  • Wave 63 (Final Wave)

After completing all the previous waves, you still need to kill a boss, which in this case is one of the strongest in the game. It's called Tztok-Jad, also known as Jad. It uses magic, melee and ranged attacks, meaning that you will need an excellent prayer switching skill and a lot of concentration. And to make matters worse, when Tztok-Jad is down to half health, he will summon four Yt-Hurkots which will heal him (continue reading for more info).

  • Monsters of the wave


Analysing the table, you may have noticed that there are 272 monsters (not counting the healers) to kill, like the real runescape. However, unfortunately, the fight cave does not work properly, allowing players to kill less than 272 monsters. It happens due the fact that if you stay in certain locations in the cave some monsters simply does not spawn. Below is a list of the monsters with some info about them.

  • Tz-Kih (level 22)

Tz-Kihs use melee attacks. They are the easiest monsters to kill in the cave. It is the least dangerous monster in the cave so this should be a player's lowest priority to kill. Check the table below for more info.


  • Tz-Kek (level 45)

A melee fighter. When it dies, two level 22 Tz-Keks take its place. Check the table below for more info.


  • Tz-Kek (level 22)

A melee fighter. Two of these appear when a level 45 Tz-Kek is killed. Check the table below for more info.


  • Tok-Xil

A ranged fighter that can deal devastating damage. Praying against these in the early waves is advised. Check the table below for more info.


  • Yt-MejKot

A melee fighter, it seems to be very dangerous but it is not since it can easily be trapped behind a rock. This monster can heal itself and other monsters when attacking the player. Check the table below for more info.


  • Ket-Zek

A very large and fairly dangerous monster which used both magic and melee attacks. Like the Yt-Mejkot, it can easily be trapped behind a rock. Pray against mage to kill them. Check the table below for more info.


  • Yt-Hurkot (healers)

Four of them appear when Jad is down to half health. These creatures will keep healing him while they're 3 steps close to him, so the best thing you can do is hit them, one per one, and try to make them stay 3 or more steps away from Jad. Check the table below for more info.


  • Tztok-Jad (The Boss)

Tztok-Jad, also known as Jad, is the final enemy to encounter in the fight cave. When he is down to half health, he will summon four Yt-Hurkots (healers) which will heal him, making the fighting with him even difficult. These healers will keep healing him while they're 3 steps close to him, no matter if they're distracted with you. In case healers heal Jad by 100%, when he reaches 50% of life again, he will spawn more healers (unless they weren't killed at that point), so keep healers alive in case they heal Jad by 100% is a smart choice.

  • Fighting him

It is not recommended to kill him using melee, since he will use all three types of combat to defeat you, and it is a lot easier to protect against two combat types than three. Therefore, I recommend you to use ranged against him.

Fighting him requires a certain amount of skill and calmness. When the wave starts, drink an overload and make sure your health and your prayer is at maximum. And if you are using ranged, which is highly recommended, he will only use magic and ranged attacks.

As mentioned before, defeat him is not an easy task. If you just keep ranging him, he will kill you in 2 or 3 hits. There is only one way to survive, which is know the warning signs for each attack and switch between the protection prayers accordingly before the attack lands. Those signs are:

  • Melee: He slashes his right claw, without delay, at those who come close to melee him.
  • Magic: He will slide his front right foot back, stand up on his hind legs, and shoot a fireball after about half a second.
  • Ranged: Jad slams down his forward legs onto the ground, causing cracks to appear and a boulder to fall on the player.

A GIF of Jad using his Magic & Ranged attacks:


Check the table below for more info.



Getting Tokkul to skip

Skipping as many waves as possible will increase the chance of successfully completing the cave, the easiest way to collect enough tokkul to afford this is to enter the cave, complete waves 1-13, and then leaving when wave 14 starts.

Safe Spot

The fight cave is a large cave that has three rocks that can be used as safe spots; the rock to the west is an excellent example - just stay on the side of the rock and only the small creatures will attack you.



  • Rewards

By completing the cave, you will be rewarded with a fire cape and roughly 13K Tokkul. Note, you will still get some tokkul if you do not complete the whole cave; the amount depends on how far you got (253 tokkul per wave after the wave 10, in case you leave or die you will just get half of the total reward).

  • Tasks up grabs

Fire Warrior - Kill TzTok-Jad.

Shortcut - Pay to skip at least 25 waves at fight caves.

Video of killing Tztok Jad (waves 61-63 only)