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Main page/Guides/General guides/Clans

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Clan Chats, are chat channels in which players can interact with other players who join. These chats can be customized to your liking in many ways, and also have a unique moderating system which can be used to keep the peace. This guide will show you how to make these chats and give you all the information needed for customizing them to your preferences.

Making a Chat

Making a Clan Chat is very simple. To make one, go to the Clan Chat tab next to the settings tab in the bottom right of your screen, and click on the small icon to the right of the join Clan option.

Once you click it, an options menu will show up, allowing you to name your Clan, set a welcome message, link to any specific Grinderscape forum thread, and chose the settings you want for your CC (These settings can be changed at any time).



When you're done, click on the create Clan button at the bottom of the settings menu again and your Clan will be complete!

Moderating your Chat

There are a few moderating options in-case a player is causing trouble in the Clan Chat, and instead of having to contact in-game staff, you can simply take matters into your own hands.

To moderate a player, right click on their name in your CC. When you do this, a small window with a few options will open up.

It will be up to you which one to choose. Just remember to make a fair punishment to fit the trouble-causing player.


Kicking a player

When you kick a player from your CC, that player will be temporarily banned from the CC, and will be able to re-join after 2 minutes.

Everyone who is currently in the CC will be notified with a message like this one:


The player that was kicked will receive a message similar to this:


Muting a player

When you mute a player, they will not be able to speak until he is unmuted by either you, or another admin/mod in your CC.

To indicate that a player is muted, the normally green box next to their name will now be red, and once again the CC will see a message, this time looking like this:


Banning a player

In some cases, the only way to get rid of a player is to ban them from the CC entirely.

When you ban someone, they will not be able to join the chat again until they are unbanned by you or another admin.

When someone is banned the player will be kicked from the CC, along with receiving a message like this:


The banned player's name will also now be added to the CC's ban list.

You can access the ban list by clicking on the small arrow the bottom of the CC box. From here that player, or any other player can be unbanned.

You can also manually add a new name to the list from here.


Promoting Players

To help you with certain things like promoting players and keeping the peace, you can promote players of your choosing to various ranks.

These rank all have their perks and abilities, so be sure to promote only players that you trust.

To promote a player, right click on his/her name, and choose which rank to give that player.



A Guest is the lowest possible rank in the CC.

In some CCs, these player don't even have the ability to talk.




A Member is the second lowest rank in a Clan Chat.

The only perk to having this rank, is that you will always be able to talk freely, unless muted.




A Recruiter is the first serious rank in a Clan, they do not have much power, but it is often given to players who are helping out.

These players have the ability to invite other players to your Clan, and may also promote/demote players from Guest to Member, and vise versa.




A CC Moderator is the second highest achievable rank.

They have the ability to invite players to the clan, mute players, kick players, and promote/demote others to all ranks below them (Guests, Members, Recruiters).




This is the highest rank you can be promoted to.

Administrators can promote players to all ranks, with exception of Administrator, and Owner.

They can also kick, mute, and even ban a player permanently from the CC.




This rank is a rank only the owner can promote you to.

Honoreds have no permissions nor powers.

They cannot kick\ban or promote to any rank.

Honored players can only be muted/banned/kicked/demoted by the Clan chat owner.



Deleting a Clan

If you at any point, for any given reason don't want your Clan anymore, you may type the command ::delclan into your chatbox that will delete it.

Note: Only the Clan owner may use the command, and when it is used, the whole data of the Clan will be deleted and you will not be able to recover it, meaning if you were to recreate the clan you will have to re-promote everyone. Also as soon as a Clan is deleted, anyone can take the name.

Different Types of Clans

Pking Clans

Pking Clans are certainly the most common type of Clans on Grinderscape. Clans like this usually have a required application to complete before being able to join.

Pking Clans may often require a user to be a certain combat level and have a bank worth "x" amount of money. Also, a Pking Clan will also most likely require that the person applying have "x" amount of "return sets" for Clan battles.

Skilling Clans

Skilling Clans here at Grinderscape, often have a small response from the server population. Skilling Clans may require a user to have a certain total level amount or "x" amount of maxed skills, or they may just require the applicant to have a love for skilling.

Skilling Clans will often have group skilling events and will almost always have a Clan chat open for users to talk on while they skill. If combat isn't your thing, joining a skilling Clan may not be the worst decision to make.

PvM Clans

PvM, or Player vs Monster Clans, consist of a group of people who will come together as a team and kill any given boss monster together as a group. Usually these Clans require a user to have a bank worth a certain amount of wealth, or at least be semi experienced in the art of PvM.

PvM Clans usually will hold events where users must have the lootshare option in their Clan chats enabled. This insures that everyone has the same chance of receiving a drop. PvM Clans are suggested to players that prefer skills like Slayer and do not enjoy player-killing as much as getting rare monster drops.

Dicing Clans

Dicing Clans, are made up of a group of dice hosts that will host dice games as a group, and will often times share the profits. These types of Clans will often have the requirement of a certain amount of bank worth.

If you wish to learn more about dicing and becoming a host yourself, click here.

Merchanting Clans

Merchanting or merching Clans are compiled of players that will merch and flip items to make a profit. Like the dicing Clans, they will usually have a minimum bank total requirement for their applicants to have. For more information on merchanting, click here and scroll down a bit.

Helping Clans

Player owned and staff owned, helping all players on the server in a Clan chat. You will see many Clans being advertised on the shoutbox in game. The official GrinderScape Clan Chat is named "Spectrum" (which new players will be automatically direct to that chat). Helping Clan chats will assist in daily price checks, locations of monsters, help with tasks and other needs. Don't hesitate to ask our friendly community for further assistance.

Ironman Clans

Ironman Clans are specifically meant for the ironman community. These types of clans will often help others out by offering methods to gain items without the use of trading. Players in these clans often range in what they like to do around the game, but most commonly they have a love for skilling, and PvMing.


Applying to a Clan is usually not all that hard, be it that you reside within the given requirements to join that Clan. Most of the bigger Clans will have a Clan recruiting thread on the Grinderscape forums. The forums have both a Clan discussion section and a Clan recruitment section.

Once you have found the Clan of your choice, reply to the thread, and wait for the Clan's recruiters/owners to reply.