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Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common.js"

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Line 13: Line 13:
$( "div#mw-page-base, div#mw-head-base" ).remove();
$( "div#mw-page-base, div#mw-head-base" ).remove();
$( "body" ).prepend( "<nav></nav>" );
$( "body" ).prepend( "nav" );
$( "div#p-Menu > div > ul" ).appendTo( "nav" );
$( "div#p-Menu" ).remove();
$( "div#content, div#mw-navigation" ).wrapAll( "<div id='wrap'></div>" );
$( "div#content, div#mw-navigation" ).wrapAll( "<div id='wrap'></div>" );
$( "div#mw-navigation" ).insertBefore( "div#content" );
$( "div#mw-navigation" ).insertBefore( "div#content" );
Line 38: Line 37:
$( "<span>" + title[ title.length - 1 ] + "</span>" ).appendTo( "span.subpages" );
$( "<span>" + title[ title.length - 1 ] + "</span>" ).appendTo( "span.subpages" );
$( "<div id='customFooter'><p>Theme developed by <a href='http://forum.grinderscape.org/members/56905-Jplayer'>Jplayer</a>.<br>GrinderScape is not affiliated with Jagex or Runescape in any way.</p></div>" ).insertBefore( "ul#footer-places" );
$( "div#customFooter" ).insertBefore( "ul#footer-places" );
$( "div#index" ).insertAfter( "div#content-contentSub-wrap" );
$( "div#index" ).insertAfter( "div#content-contentSub-wrap" );

Revision as of 14:39, 20 March 2016

// Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load.

jquery = document.createElement( "script" );
jquery.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js";

document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0].appendChild( jquery );

$( "div#mw-page-base, div#mw-head-base" ).remove();
$( "body" ).prepend( "nav" );

$( "div#content, div#mw-navigation" ).wrapAll( "<div id='wrap'></div>" );
$( "div#mw-navigation" ).insertBefore( "div#content" );
// $( "<div id='notice'><p>Announcement message goes here.</p></div>" ).insertAfter( "div#mw-navigation" );
$( "div#content" ).wrap( "<div id='content-sidebar-wrap'></div>" );
$( "div#mw-panel" ).insertBefore( "div#content" );
$( "div#content" ).wrap( "<div id='content-wrap'></div>" );
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$( "div#contentSub, div#content" ).wrapAll( "<div id='content-contentSub-wrap'></div>" );
$( "div#siteNotice" ).insertAfter( "div#mw-navigation" );
if ( $( "span.subpages" ).length ) {
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	var title = $( "h1#firstHeading" ).html().split('/');
	$( "<span>" + title[ title.length - 1 ] + "</span>" ).appendTo( "span.subpages" );
	$( "<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>" ).insertAfter( "span.subpages > a" );
} else {
	$( "div#contentSub" ).prepend( "<span class='subpages'></span>" );
	var title = $( "h1#firstHeading" ).html().split('/');
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$( "div#customFooter" ).insertBefore( "ul#footer-places" );

$( "div#index" ).insertAfter( "div#content-contentSub-wrap" );

$.each( $( "div#index a" ), function() {

	var split = $( this ).html().split('/');
	$( this ).html( split[ split.length - 1 ] );


$.each( $( "div.index-item" ), function() {

	$( this ).wrap( "<a></a>" );
	var href = $( this ).find( "a" ).attr( "href" );
	var title = $( this ).find( "a" ).attr( "title" );
	$( this ).parent().attr( "href", href ).attr( "title", title );


$.each( $( "div#index img" ), function() {

	$( this ).attr( "draggable", "false" );


$.each( $( "div.vectorTabs li.selected" ), function() {
	$( this ).find( "a" ).removeAttr( "href" );

$( "a" ).removeAttr( "title" );