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Difference between revisions of "Main page/Test Cypher3"

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(25 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Test page from Cypher to make the build-in XP Calculator
Test page from Cypher to make the build-in XP Calculator
Line 21: Line 22:
Test Firemaking Tables:
Test Firemaking Tables:
<input type="hidden" id="reglog" value="1781">
<input type="hidden" id="oak" value="2250">
<input type="hidden" id="willow" value="3076">
<input type="hidden" id="maple" value="4125">
<input type="hidden" id="yew" value="5000">
<input type="hidden" id="magic" value="6000">
<table width ="100%">
     <td>Your firemaking XP</td>
     <th>Your character</td>
    <td> <img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">&nbsp;
    <input type="text" id="playername" name="players-name" placeholder="Your characters name" oninput="myFunction()"> &nbsp;<img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">
    <th>Your firemaking XP</td>
    <td> <img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">&nbsp;
    <input type="text" id="curxp" name="skill-xp" onkeyup="func()" maxlength="9" placeholder="Your XP"> &nbsp;<img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">
    <th>Target XP</td>
    <td> <img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">&nbsp;
    <input type="text" id="tarxp" name="skill-xp" maxlength="9" value="200000000"> &nbsp; <img id="firemaking" src="https://imgur.com/baIMjWJ.gif">
    <th>Use knowledge totem</td>
     <input type="text" id="curxp" name="skill-xp" placeholder="Your XP" oninput="myFunction()">
     <input type="radio" name="radiodonor" value="donor0" checked> No totem
    <input type="radio" name="radiodonor" value="donor1"> <img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/Ugz3obm.png"> Regular Donator
    <input type="radio" name="radiodonor" value="donor2"> <img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/Pjnz1Wh.png"> Super Donator
    <input type="radio" name="radiodonor" value="donor3"> <img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/qHYfynX.png"> Extreme Donator
     <td>Target XP</td>
     <th>Bonus days</td>
     <input type="text" id="tarxp" name="skill-xp" value="200000000" oninput="myFunction()">
     <input type="radio" name="bonusdays" value="bonusday0" checked> No bonus days
    <input type="radio" name="bonusdays" value="bonusday1"> Bonus days (1st-5th)
function func() {
  if (document.getElementById("curxp").value > 200000000) {
    //alert("reached max limit");
    document.getElementById("curxp").value = "Invalid amount silly!";
document.getElementById("playername").oninput = function() {FunctionURLencode()};
function FunctionURLencode(){
var url = "https://www.etherumps.com/highscores/user/";
var lasturl = "/1";
var playername = document.getElementById("playername").value;
var MadeUrl = [url + playername + lasturl]
    var uri = MadeUrl;
    var res = encodeURI(uri);
    document.getElementById("urlencoded").innerHTML = res;
function Get(urlencoded){
    var Httpreq = new XMLHttpRequest(); // a new request
    return Httpreq.responseText; 
var json_obj = JSON.parse(Get(urlencoded));
// ***** Getting current XP & Target Xp *****
document.getElementById("curxp").oninput = function() {myFunction()};
document.getElementById("tarxp").oninput = function() {myFunction()};
// ***** Fixed variables for XP ets *****
const regularLogXp = 1781;
const oakLogXp = 2250;
const willowLogXp = 3076;
const mapleLogXp = 4125;
const yewLogXp = 5000;
const magicLogXp = 6000;
const regularLogCoin = 375;
const oakLogCoin = 375;
const willowLogCoin = 375;
const mapleLogCoin = 375;
const yewLogCoin = 375;
const magicLogCoin = 375;
// ***** Start of function to calculate everything *****
function myFunction() {
function myFunction() {
    var x = document.getElementById("curxp").value;
    var y = document.getElementById("tarxp").value;
    var magic = document.getElementById("magic").value;
    var yew = document.getElementById("yew").value;
    var maple = document.getElementById("maple").value;
    var willow = document.getElementById("willow").value;
    var oak = document.getElementById("oak").value;
    var reglog = document.getElementById("reglog").value;
    document.getElementById("magicr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/magic);
    document.getElementById("yewr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/yew);
    document.getElementById("mapler").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/maple);
    document.getElementById("willowr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/willow);
    document.getElementById("oakr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/oak);
    document.getElementById("reglogr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/reglog);
var x = document.getElementById("curxp").value;
var y = document.getElementById("tarxp").value;
// ***** Calculate XP *****
    document.getElementById("magicr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/magicLogXp);
    document.getElementById("yewr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/yewLogXp);
    document.getElementById("mapler").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/mapleLogXp);
    document.getElementById("willowr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/willowLogXp);
    document.getElementById("oakr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/oakLogXp);
    document.getElementById("reglogr").innerHTML = Math.ceil((y - x)/regularLogXp);
// ***** Calculate XP required *****
     document.getElementById("xpneeded").innerHTML = (y - x);
     document.getElementById("xpneeded").innerHTML = (y - x);
// ***** Calculate skillpoints obtained *****
     document.getElementById("spobtained").innerHTML = Math.floor((y - x)/500000)*3;
     document.getElementById("spobtained").innerHTML = Math.floor((y - x)/500000)*3;
// ***** Calculate coins obtained *****
    document.getElementById("coinsmadereglog").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/regularLogXp))*regularLogCoin;
    document.getElementById("coinsmadeoak").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/oakLogXp))* oakLogCoin;
    document.getElementById("coinsmadewillow").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/willowLogXp))* willowLogCoin;
    document.getElementById("coinsmademaple").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/mapleLogXp))* mapleLogCoin;
    document.getElementById("coinsmadeyew").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/yewLogXp))* yewLogCoin;
    document.getElementById("coinsmademagic").innerHTML = (Math.ceil((y - x)/magicLogXp))* magicLogCoin;
// ***** Calculate amount of brawlers required *****
    document.getElementById("magicBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/magicLogXp)/500);
    document.getElementById("yewBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/yewLogXp)/500);
    document.getElementById("mapleBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/mapleLogXp)/500);
    document.getElementById("willowBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/willowLogXp)/500);
    document.getElementById("oakBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/oakLogXp)/500);
    document.getElementById("reglogBrawlers").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/regularLogXp)/500);
// ***** Calculate amount of skillpoints required *****
    document.getElementById("magicSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/magicLogXp)/500)*50;
    document.getElementById("yewSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/yewLogXp)/500)*50;
    document.getElementById("mapleSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/mapleLogXp)/500)*50;
    document.getElementById("willowSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/willowLogXp)/500)*50;
    document.getElementById("oakSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/oakLogXp)/500)*50;
    document.getElementById("reglogSkillpoint").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/regularLogXp)/500)*50;
// ***** Calculate inventories *****
    document.getElementById("magicInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/magicLogXp)/27);
    document.getElementById("yewInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/yewLogXp)/27);
    document.getElementById("mapleInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/mapleLogXp)/27);
    document.getElementById("willowInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/willowLogXp)/27);
    document.getElementById("oakInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/oakLogXp)/27);
    document.getElementById("reglogInv").innerHTML = Math.ceil(((y - x)/regularLogXp)/27);
<p id="urlencoded"></p>
Experience needed: <span id="xpneeded"> </span><br>
Experience needed: <span id="xpneeded"> </span><br>
Skilling points you'll obtain:<span id="spobtained"> </span><br>
Skilling points you'll obtain: <span id="spobtained"> </span><br>
<table width="100%">
     <td> Level </td>
     <th> Level </td>
     <td> Name </td>
     <th> Name </td>
     <td> Amount </td>
    <th> # required </td>
     <td> Coins made </td>
     <th> Coins made </td>
    <th> # of brawlers </td>
     <th> Skillpoint cost </td>
    <th> # of inventories </td>
Line 77: Line 183:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/V5hKi9L.png">  Regular log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/V5hKi9L.png">  Regular log </td>
     <td id="reglogr"> </td>
     <td id="reglogr"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmadereglog"> </td>
    <td id="reglogBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="reglogSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="reglogInv"> </td>
Line 84: Line 193:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/3x8RkX7.png">  Oak log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/3x8RkX7.png">  Oak log </td>
     <td id="oakr"> </td>
     <td id="oakr"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmadeoak"> </td>
    <td id="oakBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="oakSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="oakInv"> </td>
Line 91: Line 203:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/mBqOisq.png">  Willow log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/mBqOisq.png">  Willow log </td>
     <td id="willowr"> </td>
     <td id="willowr"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmadewillow"> </td>
    <td id="willowBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="willowSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="willowInv"> </td>
Line 98: Line 213:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/hU5Yezt.png">  Maple log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/hU5Yezt.png">  Maple log </td>
     <td id="mapler"> </td>
     <td id="mapler"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmademaple"> </td>
    <td id="mapleBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="mapleSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="mapleInv"> </td>
Line 105: Line 223:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/cdGjHSy.png">  Yew log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/cdGjHSy.png">  Yew log </td>
     <td id="yewr"> </td>
     <td id="yewr"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmadeyew"> </td>
    <td id="yewBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="yewSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="yewInv"> </td>
Line 112: Line 233:
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/H8nwdsU.png">  Magic log </td>
<img id="next" src="https://i.imgur.com/H8nwdsU.png">  Magic log </td>
     <td id="magicr"> </td>
     <td id="magicr"> </td>
     <td> Dynamic input </td>
     <td id="coinsmademagic"> </td>
    <td id="magicBrawlers"> </td>
    <td id="magicSkillpoint"> </td>
    <td id="magicInv"> </td>

Latest revision as of 18:20, 16 February 2018

Test page from Cypher to make the build-in XP Calculator

Test Firemaking Tables:

Your character    
Your firemaking XP    
Target XP    
Use knowledge totem No totem Regular Donator Super Donator Extreme Donator
Bonus days No bonus days Bonus days (1st-5th)

Experience needed:
Skilling points you'll obtain:
Level Name # required Coins made # of brawlers Skillpoint cost # of inventories
1 Regular log
15 Oak log
30 Willow log
45 Maple log
60 Yew log
75 Magic log