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Main page/Guides/Bestiary/Raids/Theatre of Blood
The Theatre of Blood is a raid located beneath the castle of Ver Sinhaza.
Here, the citizens of Meiyerditch are encouraged to go to the theatre and fight against the various experiments and abominations contained within, with the promise of freedom from the blood tithes and the right to leave Morytania should they succeed. The reward is revealed to be a ruse as the vampyres are unwilling to let go of their primary food source.
While the theatre is only open to citizens of Meiyerditch, this rule is rarely enforced. The vampyres are more entertained by outsiders than the citizens themselves, seeing as these are better prepared compared to the civilians who are inexperienced and poorly equipped.
Getting There
There's 2 ways to get to the castle of Ver Sinhaza, through the quest tab, and MiniGames teleport interface.
The Theatre of Blood a linear raid. Thus, there is no randomization involved, and the bosses will always be encountered in this order.
Each boss has a health bar displayed at the top of the screen in percent, giving a rough estimate as to how much health it has left. The only exception is the Nylocas build-up waves, which is the health of the four pillars in the room.
1. The Maiden of Sugadinti (level-940)
2. Pestilent Bloat (level-870)
3. Nylocas Vasilias (level-800)
4. Sotetseg (level-995)
5. Xarpus (level-960)
6. Verzik Vitur (level-1040, final boss)
Despite some of the bosses being spiders, vampyres and dark beasts, they will not count towards a Slayer assignment when killed inside the Theatre; thus, the slayer helmet and black mask bonuses have no effect.
The bosses will also have their hitpoints scaled depending on the team size. With a team of three or fewer players the bosses will have 75% of their original hitpoints, with four players the bosses will have 87.5% of their original hitpoints and a team of five players will leave the bosses' hitpoints unchanged.
When each boss is killed, the hitpoints, prayer points, run energy and special attack energy of all team members are restored to full (drained stats will not be restored). When the Pestilent Bloat and Sotetseg are killed, players will gain access to a chest with supplies provided by entertained vampyres containing food and potions.
Item | Name | Price(points) |
![]() |
Prayer Potion(4) | 2 |
![]() |
Stamina Potion(4) | 1 |
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Saradomin Brew Potion(4) | 3 |
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Super Restore(4) | 3 |
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Mushroom potato | 1 |
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Shark | 1 |
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Sea turtle | 2 |
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Manta ray | 2 |
Death within the Theatre
If players die within the theatre, they are placed outside the fighting area, and can only proceed if other team members succeed in completing the current challenge. If the entire team is killed, players will lose all unprotected items; these can later be reclaimed from a storage chest for a cost of 100,000 coins. Untradeable items that are normally kept on death will be placed in the item reclamation chest upon complete team death in the theatre.
Chest can be found here:
Dying in the Theatre of Blood is a dangerous death - Hardcore Ironmen who die within the theatre will lose their Hardcore status, regardless of whether the team successfully completes the challenges or not. Any disconnection or logout during a fight is treated as a death, and will likewise result in loss of Hardcore status. Should a player logout when not in an encounter, such as in the hallways of the theatre, the player's death will be treated as a safe death. Upon logging back in to an unsafe death, the game will attempt to reunite the player with their party and, if successful, will place the player in purgatory. If unsuccessful, the player will be treated with a full death and will have to pay the item reclamation fee to retrieve any items lost.
NOTE: items on loss will be disabled during the testing stage!
Upon defeating Verzik Vitur, a trapdoor will open under her throne, leading to her treasure vault.
Inside will be up to five large chests based on the amount of players in the team, with each player being able to loot one chest. An arrow will point to which chest is for that player to search.
If a unique reward is obtained, a purple aura will emit from the chest, much like how the ray of light turns purple for the player who obtains a unique reward in the Chambers of Xeric. If no unique reward is found, the chest will contain three rolls from the common drop table. the unique rewards that players can obtain from the chest include:
Avernic defender hilt in inventory defender hilt, used to upgrade the dragon defender
Pieces of the Justiciar armour:
Justiciar faceguard in inventory
Justiciar chestguard in inventory
Justiciar legguards in inventory
Ghrazi rapier in inventory
Sanguinesti staff in inventory
Scythe of vitur in inventory
Vials of blood are also a common drop obtainable in addition to the above. They can be used to charge the scythe of Vitur and create bastion and battlemage potions.